Imagination is key.

Reading is the charger for imagination.
Reading builds and focuses imagination in ways that other spurs cannot. It gives imagination definition, and a baseline for the imaginative process at any given time. If you are reading about a forest, the forest is what you are imagining. You can explore, discover, and expand your imagination forest within the boundaries of the text.
Imagination builds it’s own tool bag.
Imagination sponsors mental processes. Reason, innovation, enhanced discovery, and uniquely creative thinking are all fruits of the imagination orchard. Creativity in art, music, and dance are all found inside the imagination.
Imagination supports education.
The ability to visualize and compute inside the mind is a key function of imagination. Imagination can solve mathematical equations without the need for a white board. Languages are learned faster, historic figures can be viewed real-time, and new words flow with the ease of a mountain river.